Great Northeastern Railroads of the United States and Canada 1840 to 1889


The board game, Great Northeastern Railroads of the United States and Canada 1840 to 1889, is a turn based building and economic game set in the mid to late 19thc in the eastern USA and southern Canada. The game includes 1 map of the USA and Canada 48” x 36” at 5.00 miles to the inch, circa 1889 A. D., 3,240 counters to record the points on the map, detailed cards for every Railroad on the map, multiple pages of commodity charts, multiple player aids and 4-10 sided dice and 4-6 sided dice. Up to ten players can choose to play various railroads providing the whole family with hours of entertainment, while learning a great deal about the actual history of the railroad industry in the middle and late 19thc United States and Canada. You need to cut out the counters and cards.

4 in stock

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 3 in